Deform วิเคราะห์การขึ้นรูปโลหะ ทางวิศวกรรม
Product type : engineering-solutions

DEFORM Premier
DEFORM Premier (DEFORM วิเคราะห์การขึ้นรูปโลหะ ทางวิศวกรรม) is the comprehensive process simulation system designed to analyze complex metal forming processes, microstructure and grain evolution, heat transfer, residual stress and distortion. Manufacturing operations can be simulated on the computer, avoiding much of the cost and delay of shop trials. Typical applications include hot forging (open die and closed die), warm and cold forming, cogging, rolling, drawing, extrusion, heating, heat treatment, machining and mechanical joining. For over three decades,
DEFORM has proven to be an accurate and robust finite element analysis (FEA) solution for industrial applications. The simulation engine is capable of predicting large deformation metal flow, heat transfer and material characteristics with great accuracy. A sophisticated mesh generator automatically creates adaptive, optimized meshes. Arbitrary, body-to-body contact supports the analysis of multiple deforming bodies. User-defined tools are available throughout the system, allowing advanced users to customize the model to their requirements.

The core and rim of the bimetallic coin, shown above, were coined and mechanically joined together within a single operation. The multiple deforming body, advanced meshing and arbitrary contact capabilities of DEFORM-3D were required for such a complex simulation. Each body was modeled with over one million elements.

DEFORM Premier provides very powerful DOE and optimization capabilities to run multiple simulations with controlled process variation. DOE allows the user to define a test matrix using a full factorial or statistical sampling (Latin Hypercube) in advance. Optimization allows the system to find a best process within defined constraints. A custom post-processor automates much of the data mining, displaying results in a usable format. Microstructure

Microstructure modeling is used to predict residual stress and a wide range of mechanical properties. SFTC is the leader in the development and application of microstructure modeling for research and industrial applications, as shown with the Cellular Automata (CA) model using the RVE method.
DEFORM-3D is a powerful process simulation system designed to analyze complex, three-dimensional (3D) metal forming processes. It is a practical and efficient tool for the prediction of metal flow, heat transfer and more. Manufacturing operations can be simulated on the computer, avoiding much of the cost and delay of shop trials. Typical applications include hot forging (closed and open die), warm and cold forming, cogging, rolling, drawing, extrusion, heating, machining and mechanical joining. Based on the finite element method (FEM),
DEFORM has proven to be an accurate and robust solution in industrial applications for over three decades. The simulation engine is capable of predicting large deformation metal flow with high precision. An advanced mesh generator automatically applies an adaptive, optimized mesh to parts and tooling. This captures important model detail while minimizing the simulation time. User-defined meshing tools allow advanced users to customize the mesh to their requirements.

A coupled die stress analysis is shown. Maximum principal stress is in red. The small viewports show the forming shape and die contact. Courtesy Wiseco Piston.

This automotive suspension forging involved multiple hammer blows across multiple die cavities. Heat transfer was calculated during transfer, forging and dwell. DEFORM-3D provides information such as material flow, forming load, energy, strain, temperature, tool stress and more. Courtesy LC Manufacturing LLC.

The DEFORM multiple operation environment allows for the automatic simulation of entire process sequences. These are defined using a mix of flowchart, wizard-based and advanced menus. The full five station nut forming progression shown above was simulated, from start to finish, with a single click of the ‘Run’ button.
DEFORM -2D is a Finite Element Method (FEM) based process simulation system designed to analyze two dimensional (2D) behavior in complex metal forming processes. It provides vital information about material and thermal flow during the forming process, facilitating the design of products and required tooling. DEFORM-2D has been used by companies worldwide to analyze forging, extrusion, drawing, heading, upsetting and many other metal forming processes.

Axisymmetric cold formed components, such as the bullet casing shown above, can be simulated using DEFORM-2D. This simulation modeled a four station drawing progression followed by an upsetting operation. The result from each operation was passed to the next. Courtesy American ballistics.

The cold forming, installation into sheet metal and pull test of this self-clinching fastener was simulated in DEFORM-2D. Before and after images from the pull test are shown above. In this case, the force predicted by DEFORM was within 10% of the experimental value. This demonstrates a powerful multiple deforming body capability for large deformation.

The DEFORM multiple operation environment allows for the automatic simulation of entire process sequences. These are defined using a mix of flowchart, wizard-based and advanced menus. The complete hot forging process shown above was simulated, from start to finish, with a single click of the ‘Run’ button.